Fukuroda and the Introduction of Tomoko

In the anime, Onizuka and Murai etc are playing with water rockets, whereas in the manga, they are bungee jumping from the roof, in which this scared Fukuroda since they were close to hitting him lol. I gotta say, I prefer the water rockets in the anime though, it was SO satisfying to see the pervert Fukuroda get hit in the face by the water rocket, he totally deserves it! Also, the anime shows a scene with Fukuroda running to Onizuka's classroom (presumably to incite violence) and sees Onizuka karate kick something in half, and then he decides that they should compete by swimming. Whereas, in the manga, after Fukuroda sees Onizuka draw eyes over his eyelids to sleep during meetings, he immediately challenged him to a swimming match haha. Also, unlike the anime, Onizuka does bet some money. In addition, in the manga, Fukuroda keeps challenging him to 400m runs and push ups lol.
Tomoko looks sooo much better in the manga though, dang! Anyway, aside from the reason for Miyabi's plan and results being similar (with the basic idea of Tomoko failing to get Onizuka fired using her assets), Miyabi's actual plan in the manga was writing an erotic and seductive letter to Onizuka hoping he'd go to the AV room where Tomoko is, and then take photos of him assaulting her. Of which, the plan succeeds but of course the guy turns out to be Fukuroda. Tbh, I can understand why the anime changed this part lol, although GTO goes about some OTT themes, it does kinda rule out the other more questionable ones, such as this one, since naked Fukuroda literally was going to jump Tomoko after she got peer pressured into letting him grab her breast. After that, Fukuroda destroys the recorder evidence and tries to discipline Miyabi and them, but is saved by Onizuka. In terms of this, I kinda prefer the anime more, I think it was more hilarious with the tension on Onizuka's locker having so much dirty laundry etc and the reaction of everyone, it's also more tame and less scandalous hahaha. With how things went in the manga, you'd really hope that Fukuroda gets kicked out of the school asap, even though I already felt he should have in the anime! At the end of it all,unlike the anime where Miyabi pushes Tomoko into the swimming pool (where she's too silly to realise she can stand in the pool), Miyabi actually slaps Tomoko in the face (quite hard too!).
Tomoko's audition

In the anime, it seems like only Miyabi and her two friends are behind the ice cream on Tomoko's chair and throwing trash at her in the classroom, but really, it actually shows that all the girls participate in bullying Tomoko. Also, unlike the anime Fuyutsuki doesn't really talk to Onizuka about the bullying or anything, because this all occurs in Onizuka's class so she doesn't know. In the manga, when Tomoko is playing at the park herself with her dolls, some mean kids said she needs to taste the "hamburger" to really know if it's good or not, and she really does, and they call her out for being so stupid as she laughs it off. I'm kinda glad the anime cut that part out and just kinda showed her crying instead, because she's suffered enough already T_T I do enjoy how the anime put in snippets of Miyabi and Tomoko in elementary school memories for her to reflect on since she admires Miyabi so much, I think it was a nice touch and made it a bit more understandable why she liked Miyabi. Lmao in the manga when Onizuka told her to wait in this spot and not move (so he could get the costume etc for the next day) and she literally didn't move for the whole hour he was gone hahaha. Another difference is Tomoko's costume! Tomoko's costume in the manga is more of cosplaying a character and quite daring as well, but I think the bunny costume in the anime was pretty daring too lol, so I'm not sure if there really was a need to change it, but yeah you wouldn't believe she was 14 in the manga with her outfit haha. But otherwise, the transformation into the school gym clothes with the bloomers is the same.
As for the beauty competition, it was mentioned much earlier in the anime with Miyabi and the friends, so it's less of a surprise where she's going to be, but regardless, the dialogue is pretty much the same when they all arrive there. Although the contest kinda goes by relatively similarly with not too many differences, the acting part of the audition is quite different. Oh and I also liked the comedic moments in the anime with Murai shaking up Onizuka's soft drink etc hahaha. Anyway, with the acting part, I think the manga wanted it to be more funny yet sweet at the same time and kind of lacked impact on both areas imo, however, I do think the idea of Tomoko using the dolls to act out a story again is more in character for her since she's silly. It was nice when she continued even though the vice principal wanted to drag her back to school lol, kinda shows how much she was into her own little world. However, I do think the anime was more heartwarming in terms of her relationship with Miyabi and it kinda shows her real feelings with the encouragement of Onizuka. Since I watched the anime first, I can't help but be biased towards it, but I'm also a sucker for friendships and Tomoko's feelings of admiration and thankfulness towards Miyabi for being her "friend" despite everyone else abandoning her, and I think the anime conveyed that really well with flashbacks and everything. It's just saddening that regardless, Miyabi can't really reciprocate, but yeah I was really touched with the anime so I have to say, I preferred that rendition haha. Oh, but considering the plot, I do have to admit that because the anime changed this part, it did make things more complicated for the story, because in the manga, it's obvious that Miyabi was annoyed and dissatisfied with the outcome since someone beneath her got so much attention by the media etc, and considering how petty she is, this only furthers her dislike of Tomoko and Onizuka. It's also quite apparent from her frustrated exchange with one of her friends who tried to cheer her up (Miyabi said at least she made it into the contest unlike her) that their friendship is surface level at most, and based around who has the power and popularity in school. Anyway, in a sense, the anime kinda changes Tomoko's and Miyabi's relationship where Miyabi was actually someone friendly and nice when they were kids, which is possible but not what is needed atm, especially when she as usual she just ignores Tomoko for the rest of the anime. So yeah, I liked the anime but it doesn't connect with the story all that well in the bigger picture.
Teshigawara/stalker guy

Right before Teshigawara is introduced, there's a mini arc with the vice principal trying to call an emergency meeting to get Onizuka fired, of which the chairman agrees to hold, however, this is ultimately scrapped with Uchiyamada (vice principal) begging on his knees to not fire him, otherwise he'd leave too. This is due to Onizuka finding out on the train that Uchiyamada had been harassing a girl on the train (touching her ass) for a WHOLE YEAR, and the police finally got to him, but he ultimately escaped. Yeah, that was veryyy questionable, and I can understand why you would not see that in the anime lol. Sometimes you gotta wonder if there are any normal male teachers around... Anyway, the rumours of Uchiyamada grovelling to keep Onizuka in his job spreads around, and Azusa (Fuyutsuki) speaks about it happily to the infirmary nurse lady that's her best friend here, and she can tell that Azusa is in love with Onizuka with how happy she is that people are appreciating Onizuka now. So, since the anime cut out this best friend, instead of Teshigawara overhearing her feelings for Onizuka, he kinda sees how close they are with Onizuka driving her to school etc I guess. In addition, in the anime, Teshigawara mostly ignores Onizuka, but in the manga, he was quite vocal about how Onizuka is kinda like trash coming from his third rate school. It's also more apparent in the manga that many of the teachers dislike Onizuka and want to get rid of him (mostly the male ones), and they even held a meeting with Teshigawara at some place complaining about him lol. Also, when Uchiyamada lectured Onizuka after he used his elephant costume to squirt water on that lady helping Teshigawara get rid of Onizuka, I think the anime tried to play up the comedic effect as usual with only showing Onizuka getting emotional and worried over his career because of this mishap and being down over it, because in the manga, Onizuka actually says something meaningful, stating that these 6 years for students in school are very important to students before they go out to work, so he thinks that they should have more of a fun childhood than one only focused on worrying about their future. Although he does end up hurting Uchiyamada (his own fault of course) and he only started swinging him back and forth because Uchiyamada started insulting him. I'm not sure why the anime decided to cut that bit out, because Onizuka's philosophy for the kids is to hope to give them a happy and fun childhood before they go out into the world, so I'm sad they cut that piece of characterisation out.
Onizuka and the National Test

A funny thing that the anime left out was Onizuka packing up a huge ass wrapped up luggage to bring to Azusa's place when she suggested he go study at her place for the week to ace that national test. Although Murai and them did try to steal the test answers in the manga, he didn't know about it, and what really motivated Onizuka was when Kikuchi created this cheating device wig for Onizuka to wear so he could give the answers to him in real time (which sounds really cool!). And it was because of how hard they worked cooperating to help cheat for him that made Onizuka think, how could he be a teacher that allows his students to help him through cheating. Either way, I think both are fine, since I think Onizuka would have been touched with both instances, but yeah, as usual, it's always so sweet to think about how much Onizuka has affected their lives that they're willing to do such things for him. LMAO, I'm kinda sad the anime cut out the part Onizuka used a stun gun with 20,000 volts to keep himself awake to study during class at school, but I guess you get the point from the needles he used initially so that's fine haha. Also, even though it's not exactly important, I did think it was nice that in the manga, instead of Azusa and everyone just either wondering where Onizuka is or thinking that he ran away, Azusa actually tried to buy time for him by saying Onizuka called and said he'd do the tests in 3 hours instead of the five hours allocated. I also really liked how in the manga, when Onizuka was in the surgery room, Azusa cried thinking about how much effort Onizuka put into studying for the test just for his students. Something else that was in the manga was the proper aftermath of Teshigawara, considering how insane he was, it was kinda expected that he'd go a bit crazy, and that's more pronounced in the manga where some students were talking about how he lost to Onizuka in the test, and he shattered the girl's eardrums and hit her head, making him go on probation or something (ONLY???), which makes you think how could he still be a teacher but okay lol, the poor girl, I can see why the anime cut that out lol. Anyway, I don't think the differences are that important for this test part and was quite faithfully adapted, and I did really enjoy this part in both the manga and anime haha.
Kanzaki Urumi

Well, let's see how my favourite girl is in the manga~! Her introduction is pretty much the same, but at the coin laundty, the anime did cut out a scene where Urumi offered Onizuka chocolate and seduce him to play around with him, but it's not important. As for the king cobra prank, instead of the chairwoman being the one saying they need to cut it off before the poison spreads, it was actually the infirmary nurse lady in the manga. Also, everyone seems to know about the terror Urumi wreaks over the school, so Onizuka and Azusa are informed about past incidents where she's blown up garbage cans around the school at exactly noon etc, but no one can actually prove she was the one who did those things. However, instead of Azusa being scared and kind of wary of Urumi (as she is in the anime), in the manga, she instead thinks it's rude that they're badmouthing Urumi to be such a person and thinks that teachers shouldn't doubt their students. As for the excess amount of oxygen causing the explosion, it was nice to see that Kikuchi in the manga actually asked Urumi what her trauma was and if he could do anything to help her since he thinks Onizuka is a good teacher and doesn't want her to cause so much trouble. And lol when Onizuka tried to discipline her for that, in the anime, Uchiyamada stops him, but in the manga, Urumi just cries her way out of it and pretends to suicide if he doesn't believe that she didn't do it, and then makes Onizuka buy her noodles, so that's why they end up at a noodle stand later lol. However, I did enjoy the anime's rendition where Onizuka stupidly went to ask her about her trauma that he interpreted wrong as a monster "tora-uma" (tiger horse) and then they go eat noodles, it was really silly but cute. Btw, Urumi is reallyyy cute in the manga with her silly faces and everything, the anime also cuts out some random moments of hers that aren't important but really make her character, like when she wrote I love you on a board during class to Onizuka to distract him etc. Lmao, in the manga, besides hitting the yakuza guy with that beer bottle, she also crashed a police patrol car with the police close by, Onizuka really can't catch a break haha.
A more significant difference is that, when Onizuka went up to the rooftop to stop Urumi from suiciding, aside from her talk about being lonely and thinking what's the point of existing, she also talked about in the manga, that she had many "friends", basically men that talk to her just to "get her", but she still appreciates them because at least they listen to her, and I think that's important to her character. Although it's pretty much implied in the anime that she doesn't have anyone she could talk to as a friend after she was betrayed, I think seeing her talk about it like this was rather saddening. In addition, at this moment, Onizuka wrote down his phone number to give to her, and said he didn't mind long phone calls at any time, and that he'd be her friend and I think that was really cute. She even agreed to go and eat with him again after that. Also, unlike in the anime where it seemed like Urumi was crazy enough to manipulate and test Onizuka by making him accidentally push her off the rooftop because he tried to pick up some money, in the manga, he noticed the money himself and accidentally pushed her off, so she was surprised as well when she fell, but midway, she just kinda accepted that she'd die until Onizuka actually decided to save her. Personally, I think the manga way is more in character for her because I don't feel like she'd risk her life with no guarantees like that. I also think it's nice to note that in the manga, Onizuka did try to take her to a doctor, he was just in such a panic that he went to a vet, a liquor store and other places that didn't care loll. I also think it was a really nice touch in the manga where Urumi (after the genie bit and him taking her around everywhere as her genie) called Kikuchi and left a voice message telling him how she had such a wild day with Onizuka, whilst repeating that Onizuka saved her life, I think it really shows how touched she was at that aspect, and I think the manga delivered that part more conclusively than the anime.
There's a minor chapter with Onizuka talking to Saejima (Onizuka and Ryuji's police friend) as a sort of "extra" showing what kind of life Saejima lives, but it's not very important since it only shows him asking for call girls whilst Onizuka tells him about Kanzaki, but it's done in a monologue kinda way with Saejima being the only guy talking. Most of the stuff around the elementary teacher that told her secret to the whole class is pretty much the same, but her telling the story and everything was pretty straightforward, clear cut and immediate, rather than the anime where Onizuka and them would go to her house and listen to the story when she really just told them there after Urumi gave her the bottle that exploded. As usual, Urumi causes much more chaos in the manga, but the general effect is the same. Also, in the anime, Azusa drives the Cresta to chase after the Onizuka who has taken Urumi away for an "extracurricular lesson" but in the manga, it's just Kikuchi driving with the rest, I guess the anime didn't want to show kids driving? Haha. Aside from that, the way they got Uchiyamada's car keys were different too, they used a stun gun on him in the manga, as opposed to the rope tripping him over lol. In the manga, there aren't really flashbacks to show how important Fujimori-sensei was to Urumi when she thought she was going to die, which kind of clarifies things a bit more for me tbh, since Urumi never seemed to interact with this teacher again in the anime; I guess she was important in the past, but the one that saved her in the end was Onizuka so she'll obviously care about him more now. Urumi is much cuter in the manga though haha, I loved how she started smacking him after they got to safety saying she was really scared etc haha. But, I think the most significant difference was the talk they had with their warm drinks, in the anime, they just kinda talk about how much Urumi wanted to have the warmth of being close to Fujimori and thought of her as a mother, whereas in the manga, Onizuka has some of the gang tell her about their crazy childhoods nonchalantly to show that, if people spend all their time whining about their past, they're cheating themselves of their present, so she should just keep smiling and face everything, since her story isn't significant. As for the ending of the Cresta, in the anime it crashes because Azusa forgets to pull the hand brake and it rolls away, whereas in the manga, Kikuchi somehow sunk it lolll. I'd say the only thing I prefer from the anime is the ending of the Cresta and the more elaborate flashbacks, otherwise, I think the manga Onizuka expresses his life lessons much better. Overall though, I still enjoyed both since they're pretty similar.
Oh, the manga adds a bit more about Uchiyamada's life circumstances after totalling his Cresta (again), the possible affair of his wife, and a new rampaging dog destroying his life in the house with the same name as Onizuka lol.
Aaaand I'm done with another part! Well, that took longer than I thought lol, but I'm nearlyy half way!
Tomoko looks sooo much better in the manga though, dang! Anyway, aside from the reason for Miyabi's plan and results being similar (with the basic idea of Tomoko failing to get Onizuka fired using her assets), Miyabi's actual plan in the manga was writing an erotic and seductive letter to Onizuka hoping he'd go to the AV room where Tomoko is, and then take photos of him assaulting her. Of which, the plan succeeds but of course the guy turns out to be Fukuroda. Tbh, I can understand why the anime changed this part lol, although GTO goes about some OTT themes, it does kinda rule out the other more questionable ones, such as this one, since naked Fukuroda literally was going to jump Tomoko after she got peer pressured into letting him grab her breast. After that, Fukuroda destroys the recorder evidence and tries to discipline Miyabi and them, but is saved by Onizuka. In terms of this, I kinda prefer the anime more, I think it was more hilarious with the tension on Onizuka's locker having so much dirty laundry etc and the reaction of everyone, it's also more tame and less scandalous hahaha. With how things went in the manga, you'd really hope that Fukuroda gets kicked out of the school asap, even though I already felt he should have in the anime! At the end of it all,unlike the anime where Miyabi pushes Tomoko into the swimming pool (where she's too silly to realise she can stand in the pool), Miyabi actually slaps Tomoko in the face (quite hard too!).
Tomoko's audition

In the anime, it seems like only Miyabi and her two friends are behind the ice cream on Tomoko's chair and throwing trash at her in the classroom, but really, it actually shows that all the girls participate in bullying Tomoko. Also, unlike the anime Fuyutsuki doesn't really talk to Onizuka about the bullying or anything, because this all occurs in Onizuka's class so she doesn't know. In the manga, when Tomoko is playing at the park herself with her dolls, some mean kids said she needs to taste the "hamburger" to really know if it's good or not, and she really does, and they call her out for being so stupid as she laughs it off. I'm kinda glad the anime cut that part out and just kinda showed her crying instead, because she's suffered enough already T_T I do enjoy how the anime put in snippets of Miyabi and Tomoko in elementary school memories for her to reflect on since she admires Miyabi so much, I think it was a nice touch and made it a bit more understandable why she liked Miyabi. Lmao in the manga when Onizuka told her to wait in this spot and not move (so he could get the costume etc for the next day) and she literally didn't move for the whole hour he was gone hahaha. Another difference is Tomoko's costume! Tomoko's costume in the manga is more of cosplaying a character and quite daring as well, but I think the bunny costume in the anime was pretty daring too lol, so I'm not sure if there really was a need to change it, but yeah you wouldn't believe she was 14 in the manga with her outfit haha. But otherwise, the transformation into the school gym clothes with the bloomers is the same.
As for the beauty competition, it was mentioned much earlier in the anime with Miyabi and the friends, so it's less of a surprise where she's going to be, but regardless, the dialogue is pretty much the same when they all arrive there. Although the contest kinda goes by relatively similarly with not too many differences, the acting part of the audition is quite different. Oh and I also liked the comedic moments in the anime with Murai shaking up Onizuka's soft drink etc hahaha. Anyway, with the acting part, I think the manga wanted it to be more funny yet sweet at the same time and kind of lacked impact on both areas imo, however, I do think the idea of Tomoko using the dolls to act out a story again is more in character for her since she's silly. It was nice when she continued even though the vice principal wanted to drag her back to school lol, kinda shows how much she was into her own little world. However, I do think the anime was more heartwarming in terms of her relationship with Miyabi and it kinda shows her real feelings with the encouragement of Onizuka. Since I watched the anime first, I can't help but be biased towards it, but I'm also a sucker for friendships and Tomoko's feelings of admiration and thankfulness towards Miyabi for being her "friend" despite everyone else abandoning her, and I think the anime conveyed that really well with flashbacks and everything. It's just saddening that regardless, Miyabi can't really reciprocate, but yeah I was really touched with the anime so I have to say, I preferred that rendition haha. Oh, but considering the plot, I do have to admit that because the anime changed this part, it did make things more complicated for the story, because in the manga, it's obvious that Miyabi was annoyed and dissatisfied with the outcome since someone beneath her got so much attention by the media etc, and considering how petty she is, this only furthers her dislike of Tomoko and Onizuka. It's also quite apparent from her frustrated exchange with one of her friends who tried to cheer her up (Miyabi said at least she made it into the contest unlike her) that their friendship is surface level at most, and based around who has the power and popularity in school. Anyway, in a sense, the anime kinda changes Tomoko's and Miyabi's relationship where Miyabi was actually someone friendly and nice when they were kids, which is possible but not what is needed atm, especially when she as usual she just ignores Tomoko for the rest of the anime. So yeah, I liked the anime but it doesn't connect with the story all that well in the bigger picture.
Teshigawara/stalker guy
Right before Teshigawara is introduced, there's a mini arc with the vice principal trying to call an emergency meeting to get Onizuka fired, of which the chairman agrees to hold, however, this is ultimately scrapped with Uchiyamada (vice principal) begging on his knees to not fire him, otherwise he'd leave too. This is due to Onizuka finding out on the train that Uchiyamada had been harassing a girl on the train (touching her ass) for a WHOLE YEAR, and the police finally got to him, but he ultimately escaped. Yeah, that was veryyy questionable, and I can understand why you would not see that in the anime lol. Sometimes you gotta wonder if there are any normal male teachers around... Anyway, the rumours of Uchiyamada grovelling to keep Onizuka in his job spreads around, and Azusa (Fuyutsuki) speaks about it happily to the infirmary nurse lady that's her best friend here, and she can tell that Azusa is in love with Onizuka with how happy she is that people are appreciating Onizuka now. So, since the anime cut out this best friend, instead of Teshigawara overhearing her feelings for Onizuka, he kinda sees how close they are with Onizuka driving her to school etc I guess. In addition, in the anime, Teshigawara mostly ignores Onizuka, but in the manga, he was quite vocal about how Onizuka is kinda like trash coming from his third rate school. It's also more apparent in the manga that many of the teachers dislike Onizuka and want to get rid of him (mostly the male ones), and they even held a meeting with Teshigawara at some place complaining about him lol. Also, when Uchiyamada lectured Onizuka after he used his elephant costume to squirt water on that lady helping Teshigawara get rid of Onizuka, I think the anime tried to play up the comedic effect as usual with only showing Onizuka getting emotional and worried over his career because of this mishap and being down over it, because in the manga, Onizuka actually says something meaningful, stating that these 6 years for students in school are very important to students before they go out to work, so he thinks that they should have more of a fun childhood than one only focused on worrying about their future. Although he does end up hurting Uchiyamada (his own fault of course) and he only started swinging him back and forth because Uchiyamada started insulting him. I'm not sure why the anime decided to cut that bit out, because Onizuka's philosophy for the kids is to hope to give them a happy and fun childhood before they go out into the world, so I'm sad they cut that piece of characterisation out.
Onizuka and the National Test

A funny thing that the anime left out was Onizuka packing up a huge ass wrapped up luggage to bring to Azusa's place when she suggested he go study at her place for the week to ace that national test. Although Murai and them did try to steal the test answers in the manga, he didn't know about it, and what really motivated Onizuka was when Kikuchi created this cheating device wig for Onizuka to wear so he could give the answers to him in real time (which sounds really cool!). And it was because of how hard they worked cooperating to help cheat for him that made Onizuka think, how could he be a teacher that allows his students to help him through cheating. Either way, I think both are fine, since I think Onizuka would have been touched with both instances, but yeah, as usual, it's always so sweet to think about how much Onizuka has affected their lives that they're willing to do such things for him. LMAO, I'm kinda sad the anime cut out the part Onizuka used a stun gun with 20,000 volts to keep himself awake to study during class at school, but I guess you get the point from the needles he used initially so that's fine haha. Also, even though it's not exactly important, I did think it was nice that in the manga, instead of Azusa and everyone just either wondering where Onizuka is or thinking that he ran away, Azusa actually tried to buy time for him by saying Onizuka called and said he'd do the tests in 3 hours instead of the five hours allocated. I also really liked how in the manga, when Onizuka was in the surgery room, Azusa cried thinking about how much effort Onizuka put into studying for the test just for his students. Something else that was in the manga was the proper aftermath of Teshigawara, considering how insane he was, it was kinda expected that he'd go a bit crazy, and that's more pronounced in the manga where some students were talking about how he lost to Onizuka in the test, and he shattered the girl's eardrums and hit her head, making him go on probation or something (ONLY???), which makes you think how could he still be a teacher but okay lol, the poor girl, I can see why the anime cut that out lol. Anyway, I don't think the differences are that important for this test part and was quite faithfully adapted, and I did really enjoy this part in both the manga and anime haha.
Kanzaki Urumi

Well, let's see how my favourite girl is in the manga~! Her introduction is pretty much the same, but at the coin laundty, the anime did cut out a scene where Urumi offered Onizuka chocolate and seduce him to play around with him, but it's not important. As for the king cobra prank, instead of the chairwoman being the one saying they need to cut it off before the poison spreads, it was actually the infirmary nurse lady in the manga. Also, everyone seems to know about the terror Urumi wreaks over the school, so Onizuka and Azusa are informed about past incidents where she's blown up garbage cans around the school at exactly noon etc, but no one can actually prove she was the one who did those things. However, instead of Azusa being scared and kind of wary of Urumi (as she is in the anime), in the manga, she instead thinks it's rude that they're badmouthing Urumi to be such a person and thinks that teachers shouldn't doubt their students. As for the excess amount of oxygen causing the explosion, it was nice to see that Kikuchi in the manga actually asked Urumi what her trauma was and if he could do anything to help her since he thinks Onizuka is a good teacher and doesn't want her to cause so much trouble. And lol when Onizuka tried to discipline her for that, in the anime, Uchiyamada stops him, but in the manga, Urumi just cries her way out of it and pretends to suicide if he doesn't believe that she didn't do it, and then makes Onizuka buy her noodles, so that's why they end up at a noodle stand later lol. However, I did enjoy the anime's rendition where Onizuka stupidly went to ask her about her trauma that he interpreted wrong as a monster "tora-uma" (tiger horse) and then they go eat noodles, it was really silly but cute. Btw, Urumi is reallyyy cute in the manga with her silly faces and everything, the anime also cuts out some random moments of hers that aren't important but really make her character, like when she wrote I love you on a board during class to Onizuka to distract him etc. Lmao, in the manga, besides hitting the yakuza guy with that beer bottle, she also crashed a police patrol car with the police close by, Onizuka really can't catch a break haha.
A more significant difference is that, when Onizuka went up to the rooftop to stop Urumi from suiciding, aside from her talk about being lonely and thinking what's the point of existing, she also talked about in the manga, that she had many "friends", basically men that talk to her just to "get her", but she still appreciates them because at least they listen to her, and I think that's important to her character. Although it's pretty much implied in the anime that she doesn't have anyone she could talk to as a friend after she was betrayed, I think seeing her talk about it like this was rather saddening. In addition, at this moment, Onizuka wrote down his phone number to give to her, and said he didn't mind long phone calls at any time, and that he'd be her friend and I think that was really cute. She even agreed to go and eat with him again after that. Also, unlike in the anime where it seemed like Urumi was crazy enough to manipulate and test Onizuka by making him accidentally push her off the rooftop because he tried to pick up some money, in the manga, he noticed the money himself and accidentally pushed her off, so she was surprised as well when she fell, but midway, she just kinda accepted that she'd die until Onizuka actually decided to save her. Personally, I think the manga way is more in character for her because I don't feel like she'd risk her life with no guarantees like that. I also think it's nice to note that in the manga, Onizuka did try to take her to a doctor, he was just in such a panic that he went to a vet, a liquor store and other places that didn't care loll. I also think it was a really nice touch in the manga where Urumi (after the genie bit and him taking her around everywhere as her genie) called Kikuchi and left a voice message telling him how she had such a wild day with Onizuka, whilst repeating that Onizuka saved her life, I think it really shows how touched she was at that aspect, and I think the manga delivered that part more conclusively than the anime.
There's a minor chapter with Onizuka talking to Saejima (Onizuka and Ryuji's police friend) as a sort of "extra" showing what kind of life Saejima lives, but it's not very important since it only shows him asking for call girls whilst Onizuka tells him about Kanzaki, but it's done in a monologue kinda way with Saejima being the only guy talking. Most of the stuff around the elementary teacher that told her secret to the whole class is pretty much the same, but her telling the story and everything was pretty straightforward, clear cut and immediate, rather than the anime where Onizuka and them would go to her house and listen to the story when she really just told them there after Urumi gave her the bottle that exploded. As usual, Urumi causes much more chaos in the manga, but the general effect is the same. Also, in the anime, Azusa drives the Cresta to chase after the Onizuka who has taken Urumi away for an "extracurricular lesson" but in the manga, it's just Kikuchi driving with the rest, I guess the anime didn't want to show kids driving? Haha. Aside from that, the way they got Uchiyamada's car keys were different too, they used a stun gun on him in the manga, as opposed to the rope tripping him over lol. In the manga, there aren't really flashbacks to show how important Fujimori-sensei was to Urumi when she thought she was going to die, which kind of clarifies things a bit more for me tbh, since Urumi never seemed to interact with this teacher again in the anime; I guess she was important in the past, but the one that saved her in the end was Onizuka so she'll obviously care about him more now. Urumi is much cuter in the manga though haha, I loved how she started smacking him after they got to safety saying she was really scared etc haha. But, I think the most significant difference was the talk they had with their warm drinks, in the anime, they just kinda talk about how much Urumi wanted to have the warmth of being close to Fujimori and thought of her as a mother, whereas in the manga, Onizuka has some of the gang tell her about their crazy childhoods nonchalantly to show that, if people spend all their time whining about their past, they're cheating themselves of their present, so she should just keep smiling and face everything, since her story isn't significant. As for the ending of the Cresta, in the anime it crashes because Azusa forgets to pull the hand brake and it rolls away, whereas in the manga, Kikuchi somehow sunk it lolll. I'd say the only thing I prefer from the anime is the ending of the Cresta and the more elaborate flashbacks, otherwise, I think the manga Onizuka expresses his life lessons much better. Overall though, I still enjoyed both since they're pretty similar.
Oh, the manga adds a bit more about Uchiyamada's life circumstances after totalling his Cresta (again), the possible affair of his wife, and a new rampaging dog destroying his life in the house with the same name as Onizuka lol.
Aaaand I'm done with another part! Well, that took longer than I thought lol, but I'm nearlyy half way!