Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hunter x Hunter Anime (1999 + 2011 versions) and Manga Differences + Opinion - Hunter Exam Arc (Part 1)


1999 anime episodes 1-5

2011 anime episodes 1-2

Manga chapters 1-4 

So..I've always wanted to do this. Mainly because Hunter x Hunter (HxH) is my favourite shounen that I literally grew up with (I'm so old lol) and my opinion will always be that to get the best HxH experience, you'll want to watch/read all three of them. Yes, it's a lot to take in considering how long it is, but there are a lot of things that the 2011 version (definitive version for most people) didn't do well imo, namely the Hunter Exam Arc (which I have the biggest gripe with). The Hunter Exam Arc is the first arc and the one that should be making you ntrigued with the world and the characters, but a lot of it felt so rushed and detached that I really wanted to give up on the 2011 version tbh lol. Anyway, the Election Arc and Chimera Ant Arc are great though, so I'm glad I just shrugged it off, but it still irks me enough to this day that I needed to do this post LOL. Also kills me that Kite was introduced so late when he was always there, he's legit the first character that appears! Anyway, enough complaining, I'll just get into it!

Master of the Swamp | Hunterpedia | Fandom

Whale Island

The most significant difference between the 2011 anime and the other versions would have to be Kite's appearance. Kite is supposed to appear as a flashback for Gon (in the manga) to establish his reason for chasing after his father Ging. Kite saves the careless Gon from a fox bear mother protecting her child and reprimands him for forcing him to kill an innocent animal. The setup easily shows how kind but decisive of a person Kite is and how Gon is still a child that is unaware of the world because of Mito's protection. He tells Gon about Ging making you as the reader understand that Ging has actually been on Gon's mind as a goal for 3 years. Kite's existence also shows how Gon has the traits of a good hunter, which is to be liked by animals. It's interesting how each version is quite different though. In the 2011 version, Kite is completely omitted, making Gon's reason for finding his father more of a vague goal. In the 1999 anime, it expands Kite's appearance a bit more, but chooses to focus a whole episode on developing the relationship between Mito and Gon (as mother and son). Whereas, in the manga, it is probably the most straightforward in that it presents Kite as the person who tells Gon that his father is actually alive and finding him is Kite's final test as Ging's disciple. By showing Kite, finding Ging is instantly revered as the ultimate goal for Gon because it is established that someone as strong as Kite thinks that this is the hardest test he has encountered as a hunter. With the 2011 version shortening the whole first chapter into 10 minutes and erasing Kite's appearance, it really makes Gon's desire to become a hunter rather fickle imo. And even though the 1999 version can be considered rather draggy for extending it with all the background on Mito and Gon's relationship, I actually rather enjoyed it because it showed how many things Gon was leaving for finding his father. I also liked how the 1999 version made Gon catching the lord of the swamp more of a trial than the 2011 version, since really in the latter, it really didn't feel like a big deal. I would say for here, the manga is the best at presenting it by showing that capturing it was important, but it wasn't supposed to be as much of a struggle for Gon as it was shown in the 1999 version. 

Anyway, I sing praises for the 1999 version a lot, but something I didn't like about it was how it cut out a lot of the bond between Kon (the fox bear cub Gon took care of) and Gon. Although it is shown in the  1999 anime that Kon is very much attached to Gon, the anime chose to prioritise Mito. I would have preferred if the anime gave 5 minutes to Kon by showing how (in the manga) Gon and Kon practically grew up together in the forest with their adventures and lived as if they were brothers. I also wish the 1999 anime bothered to put in the part where Gon tells Kon that hunters aren't viewed well by animals, so in order to stay as the lord of the forest, he shouldn't be too friendly with Gon, not that it matters anymore since Gon is leaving, but I much preferred how it was in the manga, Kon was important enough to Gon that he personally said his farewells. Not sure why the 1999 version didn't want to just keep the scene of everyone sending Gon off on the big ship already, but I guess they wanted to add a bit more to Leorio's relationship with Gon before it's supposed to even happen lol.

Overall, for this part, the manga is the most straightforward and the best for me. It easily highlights the key points of the story without dragging it for too long. It also shows Mito and Gon's relationship well enough in that she's overprotective but always meaning well. However, I must admit I have no idea why they bothered changing Mito to be Gon's mother's sister and having her grandmother become her mother lol, because it honestly made me really confused later on. Like, why does Mito know nothing about Gon's mother if she's her sister loll. Anyway, if you're still confused, the clarification is that Mito is actually supposed to be Ging's cousin, so they have the same grandmother, and therefore Mito is completely unrelated to Gon's mother and understandably knows nothing about her.

Getting on the ship to Dolle Harbour was a struggle that is 1999 anime original because in the manga and the 2011 anime, Gon just gets on the ship and waves goodbye to Mito and the villagers, which makes more sense, because really, how petty is Mito to not even take Gon to the ship he's supposed to catch when she treats him like such a precious kid?! LOL. Anyway, with that being said, the anime original is relatively fun to watch because it highlights to you Leorio's personality where he may be a dodgy guy, but he's kind at heart and can't help but be soft towards people like Gon. I kind of like how it introduced Kurapika being this calm and collected guy that interestingly didn't kill a deadly spider haha. But I can understand if people don't like this part since it already introduces Leorio as this silly guy so there's not much of a mystery towards their characters when they actually get on the ship. I did like how it did end up showing a bit about Kon (foxbear), but otherwise it was relatively unnecessary since Gon may be naive but he's not exactly stupid? I did enjoy their dramatic entrance on to the ship though, I still remember that to this day, so it was pretty hype for me as a kid haha.

Captain | Hunterpedia | Fandom

Ship to Dolle Harbour

The gist of this part is pretty much the same in all three versions, but it's actually kind of interesting to note the smaller differences that each version of the anime decided to change. The most significant difference that both anime versions didn't include would be that in the manga, there was a storm that happened before the bigger storm Gon was able to predict. During that first storm, most participants for the hunter exam left on an emergency boat the Captain of the Kaijinmaru provided for them (if they decided to seek shelter on an island away from it), making it that Leorio, Kurapika, and Gon were the only passengers left on the boat (aside from the ship hands). I'd say what makes the 2011 version lose some marks for me is that when Gon tells the Captain his prediction for the storm, both the other versions show the Captain seeing Ging's shadow in Gon. I think seeing that in the 1999 anime and the manga makes the impact of them being similar much more evident. It feels like Gon is and will become as capable as Ging. The 2011 version does this with the Captain simply realising that Gon is Ging's son and thinking that in his head, but the manga and 1999 version never have him actually say it (until later), but instead just show it, which I prefer more.

Another interesting difference about this part is when the storm comes and everyone gets sick or down from it, Kurapika, Gon and Leorio are portrayed to be handling the storm in different ways in each version. Like, Gon is still providing help to others in each version, but when it comes to what Kurapika and Leorio are doing, it's amusingly different. In the 1999 version, before Gon extends help to others, you get to see him balancing on a rolling barrel as it sways towards each side, Kurapika is sleeping and  Leorio is eating a red apple. In the 2011 version, Kurapika is reading a book, whilst Leorio is eating an apple as well, but a sour green apple lol. In the manga, Kurapika is sleeping very comfortably with an eye mask. whereas Leorio is actually reading a dirty book lol. They're not important differences but I did think it was kinda fun how each version of the anime had its own interpretation of it. I also found it fascinating how Katzo (the guy the trio saves from falling into the sea) from the 1999 anime and the 2011 anime had vastly different personalities with the former being like a cocky guy and the latter being meek lol.

The biggest change that I think the 1999 anime shouldn't have done was how the trio saved Katzo from falling into the sea. In the manga and the 2011 version, it is shown that Gon jumps out of the ship to save Katzo, and Leorio and Kurapika hold on to each of Gon's legs to pull him back. Whereas in the 1999 anime, in order to save Gon, Kurapika also jumps to catch Gon and Leorio catches Kurapika's legs to grab them all back up. Like, sure it's probably more dramatic that way, but honestly, with Kurapika's personality and thought process, he isn't the type to make that kind of risk especially when he barely knows them etc. It just felt unlike him and so I didn't like that part at all lol. The 1999 anime also seems to like to make Leorio more silly(?) which is fine, but at times they make him appear more stupid rather than silly (when he thought it was stupid that Gon said he could understand seagulls and tell the storm was coming) and it makes me a bit sad because Leorio really isn't that stupid lol.

Quizzing Lady | Hunterpedia | Fandom

Finding the Hunter Exam Site

Quiz Lady

Honestly, there's not much to say here since the 2011 anime and the manga pretty much play out exactly the same way with minor differences, such as actually showing the guy listening on the trio going to the cedar tree. But I did want to note down the goods and bads of the 1999 anime original scenes. In the 1999 anime, events are more expanded on as usual, which wasn't a bad idea because I quite enjoyed seeing Leorio actually catching the wrong bus thinking it would go to Zaban City (where the Hunter Exam is supposedly held) and being caught going round and round in circles instead of just Leorio overhearing that the bus was a trap and chasing after Gon and Kurapika. The funny thing they decided to add to make it more understandable for Leorio to catch up to them was the guy who overheard them pretending to want to be their companion, and even faking an ankle injury so that Gon would carry him up the mountain to the tree LOL. Like, how despicable are you to make a kid carry you there lmao, like sure he's not a normal kid but still. It was also nice to see the forest being occupied by monsters and other animals in areas that were supposedly not the right path, kinda makes it a bit more exam-like hahaha. So yeah, instead of the guy appearing to answer the questions first, you actually have him "betray" the trio saying he wants to answer the question by himself. About here though, I honestly enjoyed the extra bits on the grandma and the others. It actually felt much more intimidating seeing the grandma's "minions" constantly asking questions and seeing other potential hunters fall into their traps.This is something minor but it was an interesting choice to have Gon talk about how he wasn't able to choose between saving the son or daughter after the grandma let them through the correct path, I guess it was more a stylistic choice where they wanted the grandma to kinda narrate the true meaning of having this quiz instead of just saying it out to them, not that it really matters that much haha.

Kiriko | Hunterpedia | Fandom


Something I appreciated the 1999 anime explaining that the 2011 anime didn't was the concept of navigators. In the 2011 anime, it literally goes from the quiz lady to the navigators with no particular explanation other than you need to go there to get to the Hunter Exam starting point. In the manga, this is explained on the chapter title page, whilst in the 1999 anime, Kurapika explains to Gon that navigators are needed because the location for the exam is different every year and only navigators know the way to get there. Otherwise, the 2011 anime basically follows the manga panel for panel. As usual, the 1999 anime adds stuff but honestly, since this part is so short, I do appreciate them extending it to make it a bit more..adventurous and fun? I mean, I love the part where a demon beast appears when they're rowing a boat across the lake, and Leorio (who was just sitting around before) immediately takes the oars to row away from it lmao. 

As for the trial with the kiriko, I have to say that I really enjoyed the tension and the ominous atmosphere the 1999 anime did with them. It really made me think that this was dangerous, whereas in the 2011 anime and manga, there isn't much tension at all. Like, it wasn't necessary, but I appreciated what the 1999 anime did to make it more engaging. A minor difference that the 1999 anime changed was that the kiriko stopped her hand/claw and asked Gon why he didn't dodge, whereas in the manga and 2011 anime, the kiriko stopped because Gon asked who she was. On the other hand, a significant difference the 1999 anime decided to add was Leorio going out to grab medicinal herbs and encountering the kiriko son of which he recognises due to the needle hole he made on his arm to help his wounds. I feel like they probably added this to make Leorio feel more on par with Kurapika and Gon, which I didn't mind since it shows more of what Leorio did to comfort the wounded guy etc. Whereas, in the manga/2011 versions, nothing much is really shown of how Leorio handled the situation, so it was nice to actually see it (since Leorio did not realise the wounded guy was a kiriko or the whole situation, he just wholeheartedly tended to his wounds and comforted him). I think adding the scenes didn't detract from the story so I liked it in a sense, but I guess Leorio not realising who the guy was made it really cute, because it shows how focused he was on genuinely taking care of the guy, and it's also a hint to how passionate he is in becoming a doctor. Overall, I'd say I liked the 1999 version the most just because it felt a bit more intense.

Phew! This ended up taking longer than I thought lol. Tbh, I thought I'd be able to do like one arc one post LOL. Well, how naive I was...We're not even at the start of the exam lmao. Oh well, I'm actually really enjoying it. I think it's pretty fun seeing all the differences and how I feel about them. I've always wanted to write down my thoughts about it just because I keep forgetting what I liked about each version, so I'm happy to do this and find out what I definitively liked and disliked about each one haha. Anyway, I guess that means there will be an endless stream of HxH posts~! 90+ episodes to go even just for the 1999 anime hahaha.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

July Manga Favourites (Villainess stories galore!)

Latee as usual! Anyway, I read a lot of "villainess" manga/manhwa/webtoon in July and I liked quite a few of them enough that I binged them (LOL), but I think the below few are probably my favourite out of them. Well, the first recommendation isn't a villainess manga but the rest are hahaha! I'm still exploring through the boom in these types of stories, so who knows if I'll add more later on XD

Eating Crab with a Yukionna Chapter 1: The Man Who Wants To Die And The  Yukionna page 2 -
Eating Crab with a Yukionna (Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu)
by Gino0808
Genre: Drama, Psychological, Romance, Seinen
Status: Ongoing, 52 chapters scanlated
My Rating: 8/10

18+ only since there are sex scenes and the story kinda starts in a questionable way and may turn off some. Otherwise, I've probably been enjoying this manga the most out of them all this month. *spoilers ahead* I think the melancholic and depressed atmosphere of the story is portrayed really well and you can really feel how both the main characters are really on their own respective journey strolling through things to do until they reach the final destination where they would like to die. The male lead also becomes quite relateable as you learn about his story and it's nice to see how after meeting the female lead and others, he starts to view things differently and even possibly thinking that maybe he might not want to die anymore. I really like how the characters are developed and how heart-wrenching it all is even though it's not the type to make you openly cry, but instead make your heart bleed? If you know what I mean haha.

The story follows Kita, a guy who intended on hanging himself but ultimately wasn't able to. Just as he was lamenting on what to do, he comes across a TV program talking about the deliciousness of crab, at this point, he realises that he's never eaten crab in his life, so he decides that he needs to eat it at least once before he dies. However, he doesn't have the money to go all the way to Hokkaido to eat the crab he saw, so he tries to rob a rich looking lady with a diamond ring, not knowing that Ayame would instead suggest that they both go to eat this crab together. Thus begins their journey as they drive across to many different places eating and "enjoying" their time as they venture to their final destination. I think what drew me into this story the most was how mysterious Ayame at first was, like, you could tell she had her own problems obviously and I guess subconsciously you could guess that in a sense, she was just like him for her own different reasons, but since she's more of an ice queen, she isn't as easily wavered and emotional as Kita is. So, I think it's actually great that Kita is beside her, since even though he does want to die, he's also quite innately kind and considerate, so he wants to understand and share the burden with her if he can. Honestly, seeing them both be so irrevocably drawn to each other through their loneliness and mutual desire for comfort. and for things to end I guess.

Beware of the Villainess! (Title) - MangaDex
Beware of the Villainess!
by Bbongdda Mask & Berry, art by Pureunkanna
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Status: Ongoing, 36 chapters scanlated
My Rating: 8/10

Time for a villainess that just speaks her mind! Like, I guess quite a few villlainess reincarnation girls speak their mind in their own way, but Melissa takes it to a whole new level of being blunt and pretty savage lol. I'd say the earlier chapters weren't so great because Melissa was still kinda trying to get a grip of the world and the people so she doesn't thoughtlessly speak her mind even though she thinks it, but as the story progresses and she realises that a lot of the guys are total trash, she is much stronger and forthright in protecting the ones she cares about, and she doesn't hide her distaste for a lot of them either hahaha. Thankfully, the heroine is also a great character, because she loves Melissa and is sweet but also quite annoyed with her love interests since she can also tell how crap they are lolol. Nine is the cutest cinnamon roll ever and Melissa's maid is the best with her love towards money haha. Anywho, the best thing about this would definitely be how refreshing and fun the characters are, and it's just great to for once see that the love interests are actually all crap in their own ways and the villainess actually wants to protect the heroine from them because of that loll. The story is pretty fun because it follows Melissa's antics as the core of the story and seeing her grow into the badass she is was just so delightful lol. Sometimes it's ridiculous how silly and stupid the love interests for the heroine can be, but I just take it as it is since Melissa and her gang are the highlight.

Milady Just Wants to Relax (Title) - MangaDex
Milady Just Wants to Relax (Reijou wa Mattari wo Goshomou)
by Mitsuki Beni, art by Kajiyama Mika
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Status: Ongoing, 14 chapters scanlated
My Rating: 8/10

I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did since the love interests are beasts who can change into their respective human beast forms, and I guess I've never really explored the furry side of things LOL. Anyway, not a fan of beastmen but they are pretty nice and cute, so all good lol. However, the story definitely focuses much more on our female lead Ronia, since the beastmen kinda just get enamoured by her interest in them (and their fluffiness lmao) and how she isn't scared of them like the rest of townspeople are. The story basically follows Ronia's journey in building this cafe by herself in a town after she has been "condemned" and exiled by the prince she was engaged to. She seems weak but she's actually tied to the fairies who have taken a liking to her, so she can protect herself and her cafe as she tries her best to create a relaxing atmosphere for her and her customers as she passes her days in peace and relaxation. It's honestly quite refreshing because you can see that Ronia really enjoys the quiet life as she ventures into different recipes and ways to make her cafe comfortable for everyone, and she does her best to face everyone with a smile. She's quite admirable. 

*spoilers ahead* But, I think the thing I enjoyed the most was that when you get to see flashbacks of before she came here, she really did love the prince'love interest. A lot of the time in villainess stories, the villainess would kinda just have no hope for them and just think of ways to get out of exile or think of life after it etc, but I really liked how it showed that Ronia really did love the guy and did her best thinking that she could live the rest of her life with him since they were childhood friends. So, seeing her reminisce about the past and how hurt she was when she couldn't prevent the inevitable from happening, it was actually pretty saddening, especially when even after all those years of growing up together, the prince could think that someone so kind like Ronia could be terrible on the inside. I felt so hurt for her honestly. So yeah, even though a lot of it is as the title says, a nice story about relaxation and everything, I think it really tugs at your heartstrings just as well too.

Seduce the Villain's Father Manga | Anime-Planet
Seduce the Villain's Father
by Dalseul, art by Bia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Status: Ongoing, 35 chapters scanlated
My Rating: 8/10

The cutest couple ever! Technically, this one isn't really a villainess story because the heroine isn't the villainess and it doesn't really follow the exile trope thing. Instead, the heroine is reincarnated into the world of the webnovel she was reading, and in addition to that, it is 20 years before the novel takes place. so the heroine and villain aren't even born yet! However, she is aware of how the villain's mother is evil and was the one who manipulated her own son into becoming a future villain, so with that information, she tries to prevent all the unfortunate events from happening, including the fact that her sister (pregnant with the future heroine) gets kidnapped by a neighbbouring kingdom due to their father breaking a promise. Yerenica (heroine) knows it and tries to prevent it, but instead gets kidnapped in her place (which is pretty funny) and finds the future father of the villain to be really as kind as lovable she knew him to be in the novel. Thus, she tries her best to prevent his death by trying to get him to marry her instead of the villainess woman. Honestly, the beginning is kinda clunky and it's kinda hard to get the gist of things until she gets kidnapped, but dang, Yerenica is so cute and adorable. Not only is she cute and innocent, but her pure desire to save the "father" (she even calls him that sometimes lmaoo) is so heartwarming and sweet. She's honest and whines but she's just like a puppy that you need to protect even if they're kinda useless lmao. I love the interactions between them, and I think she really melts his cold exterior by always needing protection (since she's weak to magic and needs the light he exudes to kinda heal her) and being so upfront about hugging him, needing him and looking for him. It's just so cute even though it probably sounds annoying in writing loll. The art is so pretty and nice too, I legit love everything about it hahaha, definitely the story I look forward to reading the most every week haha XD