How should I start..? I've never been much of a blogger, but I always found a sense of relief after finishing up a post on my personal blog. However, it seemed that after a while, that blog also became a place where my most negative emotions would be shown, it certainly wasn't my intention but somehow, it descended into that; a place for me to talk about things I wouldn't usually talk about. I guess it stroke a balance in that I could offload a lot of crap into that blog and it still gives me that sort of feeling but somehow, I find it difficult to talk about anything else on it now.
So, then, the year before in 2014, I started the food blog to put some positivity into my life. Well, I intended it to be a mix of food and skincare etc but somehow it just became a food blog instead where I've been put into a list as a food blogger lol. I was very honoured to be a part of that since the mere thought of someone like me contributing to something sounded like there was something I could offer for this world in my own way. But I also feel like I've also restricted myself to the particular type of blog it must now be. So, I decided that I would create this blog. I know, I know, this might end up the same way but this will probably be more personal in that I hope to improve my Chinese and Japanese language skills here. I've always felt like my Chinese is deteriorating and I really don't want to forget how to read. A few years ago, I read Chinese novels and even helped out a translation group in translating it back to English but I stopped after becoming busy with life and losing internet etc but I remember being happy translating so I want to find that fulfilment I once had with language once again.
Another thing I would also like to add to this blog would probably be anime reviews and stuff like that just because I'm getting back into the rhythm of watching anime (although I've never stopped reading manga) and not many in my circle of friends are actually interested in listening to me blab about this so where else to do this but a blog? Hahaha. But, basically, I'd probably like to post things related to the Chinese and Japanese learning I'll be doing. Well, anime and manga is mostly for entertainment for me but you know~ still counts! Haha.
Anyway, I think and hope that splitting my life into 3 blogs will finally be enough because 2 already sounded like too much hahaha. But I want to try so I'll do it. As to how often I'll update...hmm..well, I did say that I wanted the blogs I have on Blogger to be more carefree and carry positivity inside it so we'll stick with the usual. Food blog updates whenever I go out to eat (and bother taking photos), this learning/anime blog will update hopefully once a week for learning (after my exam on 2nd of Feb) and maybe I'll have something like my anime/manga of the month that I recommend since I'm always reading and watching new ones haha.
We'll see how that goes! And obviously, my note to self would be, my personal blog will be updated whenever I want, which is basically when I read something in a book that hits me and I need to talk about it or just my personal life in general. Well, now I feel more organised! I'm thrilled to start a blog post next week after exams but that's because I'm excited to be out of summer school lol. Oh, and yes! I really need to stop allowing the number of views on my food blog depress me, that blog was not supposed to bring me down, it was supposed to bring me up! So, I think my late New Years resolution in relation to blogs would be to not allow the number of views affect me, I never wanted that and it really shouldn't since I decided to do this for myself. I know, blogs are public entities and thus, having people read it is supposed to be the ultimate goal but to be honest, just like my personal blog, I've always been a selfish sort of writer, I don't write to send a message out there, I write because keeping it inside is too much to bear and in a sense to motivate myself and to give pressure to myself since whenever I have a blog, I feel the pressure to update it so that'll hopefully be good for the lazy me haha! I guess, that'll be it. Hope this blog works out in my life!
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